
Tanjong Katong Girls\' School

新加坡, 20 Dunman Lane, S439272

  • 世界大学排名
  • ARWU 0
  • USNEWS 0
  • THE 0
  • QS 0
  • 新加坡大学排名
  • ARWU 0
  • USNEWS 0
  • THE 0
  • QS 0





  • 名称



    Tanjong Katong Girls\' School

  • 创办时间




  • 开设阶段


  • 课程体系



Year Theme for 2024

The Year Theme, Luceat Omnibus, is based on 2 distinct concepts – Courage and Light.

Courage as represented by the Lion

As we start a new school year, we enter a new season of learning and growth. There may be uncertainties and the unknowns, but the TKGians will be strong and courageous. We dare to try, because we each have unique strengths to bring to every situation and challenge, and when we pull together our collective strength, we will find a courage that is greater than our individual selves. Stronger together, bolder together.

We hope that the 2024 Year Theme would encourage TKGians to not fear failure or setbacks. We shall not let the fear of failure inhibit us from aspiring towards greater things. We want to take courage, face up to our fears and push ourselves beyond what we perceive as our limitations. As an inquisitive learner, the TKGian must be brave to learn, unlearn and relearn in the pursuit of growth and excellence. That’s how we will reach our fullest potential.

Hence the symbol of the lion to inspire a courageous lion spirit in each and every TKGian.

Light as represented by the Sun

TKGS is a school that radiates positive energy and collective vibrancy, while enabling every student to be their own person and find their own sparkle. Here in TKGS, we see every TKGian for the person she is – with her unique personality, strengths, talents, interests, abilities and potential, be it in the academics, CCA or beyond.

Our encouragement to all TKGians is for every girl to find her own light. To the TKGians, your light is something that only you know how it sparkles, and only you can ignite. Everyone is capable of creating your own Sparkling Moments. So let your light shine! It is when we let the light in each and every one of us shine through that we are able to continuously create the TKGS Sparkling Moments as a school. Collectively, TKGS can then shine our light to impact many others beyond the school, in the community.

The sun is used to symbolise positivity in everything. The light rays emitted from the bright sun represents the way for TKGians, directing them onto the right path. The sun also represents the TKGS family - our friends, teachers and parents. As sunlight is essential for a tree to photosynthesize and grow, it is similar to how help from our trusted teachers, friends and parents, is necessary for the growth of the TKGians. Only with the radiant sun will the mighty oak tree grow bigger and stronger.

The TKGian as a Mighty Oak

The magnificent Oak Tree symbolises a growing TKGian – strong, firmly anchored, and flourishing. The oak tree is also found in the TKGS Student Development Framework that guides the teachers. The school believes that when the good seeds which represent our school values, good soil and strong roots come together, it provides a caring, affirming and enabling environment for TKGians to thrive and flourish like mighty oaks.

The oak tree in the Year Theme serves to remind TKGians to be strong and resilient to take on challenges that come our way, and stay deeply rooted in the school culture.

The 2024 Year Theme therefore empowers everyone to be courageous and go beyond their limits to achieve greater things in 2024 and beyond. We wish everyone a great year ahead, for 2024 will be a year of abundant growth and positivity for all.

Let your light shine and shine for all, Luceat Omnibus!

Yours Sincerely,

Ms Chew Ing Lim


The TKGS Teaching and Learning Framework

The TKGS Teaching and Learning Framework guides teachers in their everyday decisions in the classroom. It articulates our beliefs in the purpose of school, understanding of our learners’ profile, what we believe our students should learn for them to be future-ready, how we teach to develop the requisite knowledge, skills and dispositions of TKGians. The Framework is succinctly represented by the Lamp, which is one of five symbols in the school badge. It symbolises our continual quest for knowledge and learning.


