
Admissions Announcement 2024-2025 爱莎科学城招生简章

2024-07-01 08:47

Enrolment Plan 招生计划 





Range of Birthdates








2 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024


≈ 20


3 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024



4 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024



5 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024






6 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024


≈ 24


7 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024



8 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024



9 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024



10 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024






11 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024


≈ 24


12 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024



13 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024



14 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024



15 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024



16 years of age as of 1 Sep 2024



G12 is not open for enrolment


Admissions Roadmap 入读流程 



ISA Science City International School is the flagship school of ISA International Education Group. With a total construction area of 78,000 square metres, it will be a home for 2200 students. The school will also provide a great residential facility for 500 boarding students. With the support of an excellent management and teaching team, curriculum, campus, and arts and sports facilities, ISASC is an extraordinary place for learning where students will utilize spaces which support academic rigor, research, collaboration, creativity, performance and innovation.


ISASC is now a fully certified IB World School and has been granted full authorization to deliver the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP). 

目前,爱莎科学城学校已通过国际文凭组织的全面授权,获得IB PYP (国际文凭幼小项目)、IB MYP (国际文凭中学项目)认证及IBDP (国际文凭大学预科项目)认证,成为一所拥有IB全流程认证的国际文凭世界学校(IB World School)。

On 28 March 2024, Hurun Education, the education platform of Hurun Report Inc., released the Hurun Education Top International Schools in China 2023, a ranking of the best-regarded international schools in China. ISA Science City International School was ranked 10th in the list of Hurun Education International Schools Open to Non-Chinese Passport Holders Only Top 30! 


This year, the graduates of ISA Science City 2024 have received a total of 195 university acceptance letters from 10 countries and regions, and have been awarded more than $1.57 million in scholarships for their university applications. Over 60% of graduates gained a placeat a QS Top 20 universities, and nearly 90% of our graduates gained a place at a QS Top 40 universities!

今年,爱莎科学城2024届毕业生在大学申请上共获得了英国、美国、中国(含香港地区)、澳大利亚、新西兰、日本、新加坡等八个国家的195份大学录取通知书,获得奖学金总额超157万美金。超60%毕业生获得QS Top 20院校录取,近90%毕业生获得QS Top 40院校录取;

What makes ISASC, which has attracted attracted top education directors from Australia's Wesleyan, Harrow, Singapore's UWC and Hong Kong's Chinese International School, stand out as a treasure trove of schools that parents and education colleagues have been raving about after their visits? Let's find out.





As the flagship school of ISA International Education Group in Guangzhou Science City, ISA expatriate school is an International Baccalaureate World School (IB World School) that provides a full K-12 international education from kindergarten to high school (ages 2-18) for 2,200 students from around the world. With a vision to be a leader in international education excellence in China, ISASC is committed to creating a respectful, open and connected campus environment that provides exceptional learning opportunities for students around four pillars: academics, sports, arts and community service.

广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校是爱莎国际教育集团在广州科学城打造的“云端山地森林未来学校”,是一所国际文凭世界学校(IB World School),可为世界各地2200名学生提供从幼儿园到高中(2-18岁)的K-12全流程国际教育。秉承着成为中国国际教育卓越领导者的办学愿景,爱莎科学城学校致力于打造相互尊重、公开和紧密联系的校园环境,围绕学术、体育、艺术及社区服务四个维度,为学生提供卓越的学习机会。




Mr. Paul Bawden, the Head of School, comes to ISASC with more than 35 years of experience in international education, including 15 years at the school principal level. He once served as the Education Director for the Yew Chung Education Foundation, directly responsible for Yew Chung International School of Beijing, Yew Chung International School of Qingdao, Yew Wah International Education School of Yizhuang Beijing and Yew Wah International Education School of Rizhao Qingdao. The senior leadership team, led by Mr. Paul, is made up of highly qualified education professionals from around the world with an average of over 25 years of experience in education, including Mr. Lee Sanders (Deputy Head of School), Mr. Dean Cummins (Secondary Principal), Mr. Matthew Cox (Head of Elementary) and Ms. Connie  Chan (Early Years Principal), all of whom have over 30 years of experience in education.

现任爱莎科学城学校校长的Paul Bawden先生,已在国际教育领域深耕超35年,其中包括15年任职校长的履历,也曾任香港耀中教育基金会教育总监一职,担任集团旗下北京耀中外籍人员子女学校、青岛耀中外籍人员子女学校、北京耀华国际教育学校和山东日照耀华外籍人员子女学校4所学校的校长、执行校长等管理岗位。由Paul校长领导的教学管理团队成员均是来自世界各地出类拔萃的教育专家,平均教育工作年限超过25年,其中,副校长Lee Sanders先生,中学校长Dean Cummins先生,小学幼儿园校长Matthew Cox先生,以及幼儿园校长Connie Chan女士,平均拥有30丰富的教育经验。

In addition, the school has partnered with a number of world-renowned teacher recruitment agencies and headhunters to recruit outstanding teachers from around the world with Masters or PhD degrees in their respective subject areas. Ensure that ISA's vision is fully realised in daily teaching, multilingual learning, Co-curricular programme, community service and a high quality boarding programme.






With its innovative educational philosophy, the school combines the highly regarded IB advanced education system with the Chinese basic education curriculum, as well as a diverse co-curriculum to provide students with a rich array of learning opportunities, creating a holistic education system that aims to achieve balanced development.

作为一所为IB项目量身打造的K12国际文凭世界学校,广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校创新教育理念,将全球高度认可的IB先进教育体系与中国基础教育课程相结合,并融入强大的世界多语言教学和丰富多样的拓展课程,为学生提供全流程国际文凭IB项目(PYP, MYP & DP)以及丰富多元的课堂之外的学习机会,打造真正实现均衡发展的全人教育体系。

ISA Science City

IB World School

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IB Curriculum 国际文凭课程项目

The International Baccalaureate (IB) programme is not based on any one country's curriculum, but is self-contained, covering a wide range of subjects, with an emphasis on balanced and interdisciplinary learning across disciplines. The IB system is recognised internationally for its academic excellence, but also for its focus on the physical, emotional and social development of the whole child, and for its commitment to preparing students to become global citizens with an international perspective and lifelong learning skills.


ISASC is now a fully certified IB World School and has been granted full authorization to deliver the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP). 

目前,爱莎科学城学校已通过国际文凭组织的全面授权,获得IB PYP (国际文凭幼小项目)、IB MYP (国际文凭中学项目)认证及IBDP (国际文凭大学预科项目)认证,是一所拥有IB全流程认证的国际文凭世界学校(IB World School)。

Language Programmes 多语言学习项目

As an international community with a multicultural mix, ISA Science City School places a strong emphasis on language learning. The school offers five major language learning programmes to meet the individual language learning needs of students of all ages, from kindergarten to high school.


Language Learning Pathways






· English Language and Literature


· English Language Acquisition


Chinese Programme



· Chinese Language and Literature 


· Chinese Language Acquisition 





Japanese, Korean Language and Literature


Beyond the Classroom 课堂之外

In addition to academics, ISASC also places a strong emphasis on the development of students in the arts, sports, critical thinking and more personalised areas, providing a comprehensive, high quality Cocurricular Programme (CCA) and after-school & weekend programmes (provided by ISA International Academy) for students of all ages to pursue personalised options, as well as providing strong professional-level training support and competition-level coaching for the arts, sports and academic school teams, leading students to participate in various competitions, nurturing their unique strengths while giving them the courage and strength to step onto more international stages.


In addition, the school operates in conjunction with ISA International Academy, the professional education service platform of ISA Education Group, to provide students with additional interest programmes on top of our after-school classes, covering sports, technology, Chinese studies, literacy and philanthropy. These programmes are held daily after school (5-6pm) and at weekends. Through close collaboration with the Academy, the school will provide more professional management and guidance to the school's choir, orchestra, research team, Model United Nations and other integrated clubs, providing students with more opportunities to explore areas outside the classroom and helping them to achieve personalised and whole-person development.


* Sample of the after-school and weekend programme





『个性化』生涯规划 与 升学指导

Based on the vision and mission of ISA International Education, ISA attaches great importance to each student’s personal goals and growth, the high teacher student ratio meets the individual learning needs of students. ISA takes student growth as the core of practice, provides students with personalised support, and assists children in exploring the most suitable option for university pathways.


Student Enrichment Centre(SEC) is committed to fostering individuals with global perspectives. Through collaboration with global corporations, international charity organisations, and world-class universities, SEC independently design and operate a variety of in-depth experiential exchange programmes. It aims to enhance their academic competitiveness in the application process for overseas universities. The centre is also intended to help students connect school and society, action and reflection, knowledge and experience.






In contrast to the majority of schools that 'build the school first and then plan the curriculum', ISASC has taken a unique approach: planning the curriculum first and then building the school according to the needs of the curriculum. Before the school was built, ISA's Education Management Centre determined the content and the amount of space required for teaching and learning, and then worked for almost a year with CPG, the world's leading architectural team, to create a school environment that truly integrates teaching and learning into the design of the building and inspires students to learn. 


#Take a look at the campus environment






Ofiicially accredited with the WELL Gold v2 Environmental Health and Safety Standard, making it the only K-12 international school in China to receive this award.


Ranked 2nd in the list of Hurun Education China International Schools Best School Campuses.





Won 'Green Innovation School' in BEED AWARDS 2022 Ideal Campus Awards.

在BEED AWARDS 2022理想校园评选中荣获“绿色创新学校”奖项。

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In order to meet the high standards of teaching and learning and the physical and mental development of our students, the school has made full use of the mountainous terrain to provide students with a complete range of first-class sports and arts facilities that are up to international competition standards, allowing our students to have access to a wide range of world class experiences without having to leave the school, helping them to have the courage and confidence to compete on a variety of world class stages in the future.


Sports Facilities 体育设施

▲ Sportsfield & Stadium

    标准田径场 & 竞赛级体育馆 

▲ Fencing Hall & Mini-golf Practice Room

    击剑馆 & 迷你高尔夫练习室

▲ Aquatic Centre & Learner Pool

    奥林匹克竞赛标准游泳池 & 初学者游泳池

▲ Climbing Wall & Football Field

    校内攀岩墙 & 真草足球场

Arts Facilities 艺术设施

▲ Auditorium & Black Box Theatre

    800人演艺厅 & 黑匣子剧院

▲ Dancing Centre & Music Studios

    舞蹈中心 & 音乐练习室

Teaching&Learning Facilities 教学设施

▲ School Library & Early Years Library

    独栋五层图书馆 & 幼儿园图书馆

▲ Science Centre & Music Zone

    科学实验中心 & 音乐创作空间

▲ Visual Arts Centre &  Lecture Theatre

    视觉艺术中心 & 学术报告厅

General Facilities 综合性设施

▲ Central Atrium & Parent Reception Area

    中庭广场 & 家长接待区

▲ Cafe & Cafeteria

    校园咖啡厅 & 校园餐厅

▲ Boarding House


In January 2021, ISASC was officially accredited with the WELL Gold v2 Environmental Health and Safety Standard, making it the first and only K-12 international school in China to receive this award. WELL v2 is the most rigorously tested and audited level of the WELL Building Standard, which has become an important measurement system for global health and well-being, and has been described as the "Oscars of the building world". The WELL Gold rating is a testament to the ISASC's philosophy of 'curriculum first, design second', and further demonstrates the commitment of the school management team to the safety of teaching and learning spaces.

2021年1月,广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校正式通过WELL环境健康与安全黄金级v2标准认证,成为国内首家且唯一获此殊荣的K-12国际学校。WELL v2是WELL建筑标准中经过最严格测试和审核后评定的等级,因此这项评定标准也成为了促进全球健康和福祉的重要测评体系,被誉为“建筑界的奥斯卡”。获得WELL黄金级认证离不开爱莎科学城学校“先定课程,后定设计”的教学理念,同时也进一步印证了爱莎科学城管理团队在追求教学空间安全方面的不遗余力。




Equipped with one of the most modernly designed boarding facilities in the Greater Bay Area, ISA Science City provides a safe, loving and productive learning and living environment for 500 students in grades 6-12. For us, 'boarding' is not just a single service that provides accommodation for students, but a deeply immersive community of exploration, experience and growth. It is a 'home away from home' for boarding students, where they can develop their full range of abilities and explore more deeply the connections between themselves and others.


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Residential System 寄宿制度

The boarding house is open to all secondary school students (G6-G12) and provides a warm and safe environment for boarders to study and live at school. Parents can choose between full time boarding or weekly boarding depending on family needs.


  • Full-time boarders 全学期寄宿制

    Residents attend seven days and nights a week during term time. This option is ideal for international students and those from more distant parts of China.


  • Weekly boarders 五天寄宿制

    Residents attend at the school Monday to Friday. This provision enables those students from cities easily accessible to Guangzhou, the option of returning home each weekend. 


Professional Boarding Team 专业寄宿团队

ISASC ensures that every boarder is provided the highest level of care and support. There will be 24/7 supervision throughout the term time. Our Boarding Staff are led by a highly experienced suite of Boarding Leaders, ensuring that the quality of our facility is more than matched by the outstanding quality of our staff.


Stephen Cobb

Head of Boarding



Mr. Cobb serves as the Head of Boarding at ISA Science City International School. He brings more than 25 years of exceptional leadership and teaching experience to ISASC. He has served on the Senior Leadership Team as Head of Boarding at Dulwich College & International High School Suzhou and as the Founding Head of Boarding at Harrow International School Beijing. He also has held leadership positions as Head of Department in Economic and Business Studies at The British School Warsaw and at Harrow International School Beijing. 


He also has held leadership positions as Head of Department in Economic and Business Studies at The British School Warsaw and at Harrow International School Beijing. Prior to becoming an educator, Mr. Cobb worked in the business industry in Management and as an Investment Banker and Financial Analyst.  He has an MBA in International Finance and Economics and a Master’s degree in Education. He has taught Economics and Business Studies at both A Level and in IB Programs. 

Cobb拥有国际金融和经济学MBA学位和教育学硕士学位。在成为一名教育工作者之前,他曾在商业领域从事管理工作,并担任投资银行家和金融分析师;投身教育事业后,他曾在A Level和IB体系中教授经济学与商业研究。

Mr. Cobb has a passion for Model United Nations (MUN), Theatre, and Soccer.


Jerry Lou

Deputy Head of Boarding



Jerry has been providing excellent boarding care to students for over 10 years and plays an important role in their pastoral care. Prior to joining ISASC, she held key positions as a Science Teacher, Chinese Curriculum Manager and Assistant House Mistress at Wycombe Abbey International School (Changzhou).


She strives to understand students’ situation in all areas of study and life at school, formulate personalized management plans, optimize student management, and promote the concept of holistic education in schools. By taking on the primary responsibility to provide boarding pupils (all ages/all years) with an exceptional level of pastoral care, she actively contributes to ensuring that the school provides a well-rounded educational experience. 


Jerry has taught Chemistry and General Science across the full range of international curricula for over 10 years. At ISASC, she teaches MYP General Science and DP Chemistry. With her guidance and tutelage, pupils are motivated and inspired, achieving high results as a result. Also, with the cultural differences and identity as well as the inclusivity of education, Jerry gained experience merging Chinese and International Curriculum for the best practice.


Along with the Head of Boarding, there is a Deputy Head of Boarding who work together to ensure the smooth operation of the boarding house, while also having delegated responsibility for the male and female divs within the boarding community. There are also both residential and non-residential boarding staff who support and manage the daily routine of boarding. Meanwhile, the Senior Leadership Team and faculty team, led by the Head of School, have been providing comprehensive tutorials to boarding students on a rotating basis during their evening prep time every night, answering their academic queries and thus helping them to consolidate what they have learnt in class recently.


The boarding team is committed to bringing the highest global standards of boarding practice to the school, ensuring that every boarder learns and grows in a caring and happy boarding community.


Daily Routine 寄宿时间表


Wake-up 起床


Breakfast 享用早餐

8:30am - 3:30pm

School Day 正式课时间

3:45pm - 4:45pm

CCA Time  拓展课程时间


Dinner 晚餐


Prep Time 图书馆学习


Lights Out 熄灯 (for G6-G7)


Lights Out 熄灯 (for G8-G12)

Unique Boarding Life 与众不同的寄宿生活


Beyond the Classroom 课堂之外

All of our boarders are fully involved in the many learning opportunities provided to them both at the school and within the boarding community. All boarders are monitored, supported and guided with their academic development, assisting them in striving towards significant goals.


In addition to academic development, all boarders are required to participate in at least one core arts activity (with options in music, drama and visual arts) and at least two sports programmes. In addition, enrichment activities are an important part of boarding life and boarding activities include, but are not limited to:


  • HoS Night 校长晚宴

  • Appreciation Dinner 感恩晚宴

  • Group Birthday Party 集体生日会

  • Movie Night 电影之夜

  • Student Voice Meeting 学生之声

  • Leadership Programmes 领导力课程

  • Weekend City Tour 周末城市之旅


Academic Support 学术支持

Each week night, a programme of structured academic extension helps students consolidate classroom learning. Independent and small group sessions, supported by mentors, will assist students as they complete homework and assignments. The Boarding House provides a comfortable environment for students suitable for focused study. Boarders will have full access to the key academic facilities, as appropriate, for their study and academic development.


The ISA Science City Boarding House programme also assists students in areas such as university and career guidance, life skills and well-being.



Contemporary Facilities 现代化寄宿设施

The ISA Science City Boarding House differs greatly from traditional dormitory environments seen in China and in other Asian locations. Our contemporary facilities will cater for a student population of up to 500 boarding students, with the facility providing an optimal mix of private and communal space. 


Boarders reside within the ISA Science City campus and will have extended access to our world-leading facilities. This additional access includes the sports centre, gymnasium, basketball and badminton courts, running track and football pitch, music and drama studios, library and indoor swimming pool. It will be an extraordinary opportunity for adolescents to reside within a space and guided by outstanding mentors, during this significant development time of their life.






School is a sacred place for teaching and education. A place where students learn and grow. In order to ensure that every child has a secure and happy learning experience on campus, ISASC has created a comprehensive immersion system that covers the areas of school uniforms, food, health and safety, and school buses to provide the strongest support for every student on their learning journey. The school provides the best possible support for every student on their journey.


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School Uniform


The school uniforms are produced and supplied by a global school uniform manufacturer who is also a supplier of uniforms to leading international schools such as Harrow and Dulwich, with professional stock management and an efficient and consistent supply of comfortable and safe fabrics for all ages. ISA Science City School has a strict school uniform policy, which is divided into summer suits, winter suits and sports suits, and requires students to wear the correct suit for each season and occasion. The school believes that the school uniform is more than just a simple item of clothing, it is a medium for developing collective cohesion and a rigorous school ethos.



School Cafeteria

校园餐厅 - 深受孩子喜爱的美食乐园

The school canteen is designed to serve students and ensure the safety of its products. It focuses on the overall and individual nutritional needs of students from the perspective of their growth needs and operates in strict accordance with food hygiene and safety, cooperating with international famous brand supermarkets and direct suppliers from domestic excellent green and organic farms. The canteen offers a wide range of food to provide healthy, balanced and nutritious food for every student in the school. 


Our food and beverage team are composed of chefs and restaurant managers with more than 10 years of international five-star hotel work experience to ensure high quality meals and a first-class dining experience. In addition, a registered dietitian with rich experience in nutrition is specially employed to provide professional consultation and support services to ensure that balanced and healthy diets are provided to the students.




While most people think of a school cafeteria as just a place to provide meals, at ISA Science City School, the cafeteria is much more than that. It regularly organises cultural and culinary festivals, allowing students to taste flavours from around the world at school; educates students and teachers about nutrition and scientific dietary structure; organises boarding student dinners and group birthday parties, etc., to carry every warm and exclusive campus memory; and will also open up cooking classes in the future to add flavour to students' after-school lives.



Medical and Security Team


The health and safety of our students is of utmost concern to the school. In terms of medical cooperation, ISASC has partnered with high-end private hospitals in Guangzhou, where a professional medical team is directly assigned to provide daily health care, epidemic prevention and medical services to all students and teachers at two campus medical health centres (one of which is on duty 24 hours a day). In terms of security, high-definition surveillance cameras are installed in all parts of the campus to provide real-time campus monitoring 24 hours a day, and a comprehensive security team patrols the campus regularly to ensure the safety of all students and staff.



Professional School Bus Services


ISASC has partnered with a professional school bus company to provide a comprehensive and caring school bus service for students, building a peace of mind for every journey to and from school. Currently, the school operates nine school bus routes across five districts in Guangzhou (Tianhe, Huangpu, Haizhu, Baiyun and Zengcheng), providing full coverage of the city's central areas. In addition to an experienced school bus driver, each school bus is professionally operated by a bus supervisors who assists students on and off the bus, ensures that each child is accurately buckled in and maintains discipline and environmental hygiene on the bus. In addition, there is an intelligent face recognition system on the school bus and on campus to help students quickly "clock in and out" on and off the bus, and the message will be accurately pushed to the corresponding parents in real time through the school's Official WeChat Account. 





ISASC works closely with parents to provide positive support to our students. Families, together with our team are committed to create a harmonious learning environment for students which they will benefit from both physically and psychologically. The school organises regular events such as "Parent College" and "Curriculum Night" where outstanding educators from the school discuss topical educational issues with parents and grow together with their children. This school year, a series of parent classes will be organised by the school's senior management team with extensive experience in education, as well as teachers in the frontline of teaching and further education, focusing on "hot topics in education" and topics of relevance to the school. The classes are designed for parents of students of different ages. This model of sharing information and promoting mutual learning between home and school has been very well received by parents and staff.


The school also has a well-established communication system (including but not limited to email, WeChat and ManageBac) to facilitate communication and cooperation between parents and the school's teachers and leadership team, and help parents gain a more comprehensive understanding of the school's teaching.





With the vision of building a multicultural international education ecosystem and the mission of fostering the renewal and development of rules, ISA International Education Group is committed to providing students with a global village education environment and educational resources. Allowing students to learn and communicate in an inclusive, culturally open and multicultural ecosystem that is in tune with the world. Realising the sharing and promotion of curriculum resources, further education counseling resources. This will enable students to learn and interact in an inclusive, culturally open and multicultural ecosystem that is in touch with the world, sharing and promoting curriculum resources, academic resources and competition resources, and ultimately creating a world-class Chinese and Western cultural exchange zone where multinational cultures intermingle. Sharing the educational philosophy of "whole-person education, lifelong learning and the development of globally competitive global citizens" with families around the world.


To achieve this goal, the Group has recruited top educators from around the world, including headmasters, curriculum directors and education experts who have worked in world-renowned schools such as Harrow (UK), UWC (Singapore), Hanky (Hong Kong) and ESF, whose broad international perspective and expertise will continue to support the operation and curriculum of the Group's ISA schools.






Established in December 2017, the ISA Charity Fund (ICF) is a special fund initiated by ISA and affiliated with the Guangzhou Charity Association. As a K-12 international school that adopts the IB International Baccalaureate programme, community service action is an important part of the IB International Baccalaureate programme that students must complete. The ISA Charity Fund will provide a series of community service action activities for students at ISA Science City, cultivating students to sort out their sense of social responsibility from an early age, to know how to give and take responsibility, and the school will integrate charitable elements from curriculum design to activity arrangement, creating The school has created channels to encourage students and parents to participate in community service initiatives.


Starting in 2022, ISA Charity Fund (ICF) is moving away from single project 'funding' to 'funding', "impact" and "execution". ICF began to try some online or live public welfare advocacy activities, such as "See the Power of Charity Education", charity month launch ceremony and the "Draw a Rainbow" online painting activity , aiming to spread the concept and spirit of true philanthropy. In addition, ICF also began to shift from the sponsor of the project to the executor of the activity, and led ISA students to embark on the road of community service. Such a project was the “Therapy Activity with the Hearing-impaired Children” , aiming to let  students turn their goodwill into actions to help make the community and the world a better place.

2022年开始,对比以往,爱莎公益基金开始从单一的项目“资助”转变过渡到以“资助”“影响” “执行”形式开展工作。基金开始尝试一些线上或线下的公益倡导活动,旨在传播美好的公益理念和精神,让慈善文化氛围萦绕爱莎校园,例如“看见公益教育的力量”慈善月启动仪式、“画出彩虹”线上公益绘画活动。此外,基金也开始从项目资助方转变为活动执行方,身体力行带领爱莎学子踏上公益服务道路,目的是让爱莎学生将善意转化为行动,帮助让我们所生活的社区以及这个世界变得更好,例如听障儿童的融合共建疗愈活动。

2023 Report  年度数据总览
