About Us 关于爱莎荔湾

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With an investment of 180 million USD from ISAIEG, ISA Liwan is an exemplary K-12 School with integrated curriculum (International & National Diverse Pathways) featuring Lingnan characteristics, built by ISA International Education Group with independent property rights in Southern China. It opens ISA Wenhua Liwan School (Dual Pathways) and K-12 ISA Liwan International School. The school also provide immersing international Boarding Programme for Primary, Middle and High School Students. ISA Liwan joins Guangzhou and Foshan, where the two cities are connected geographically, historically, and culturally. It is about 800 meters away from Longxi Station of Guangzhou-foshan Metro Line. ISA Liwan committed to offer global village-like excellent learning experience with multicultural integration to students, becoming a new pearl of first-class international education in the Bay Area, building a distinctive and prestigious 21st century school.
Outstanding Performance of
Our Graduates
ISA's First & Second
Graduating Classes (2023-2024)
Global Admission Review
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- 爱莎自主培养的第二届毕业生,即获得剑桥大学录取(广州地区五所学校之一);
- 英国方向:获得G5大学录取共22枚;
- 新加坡方向:获新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学录取;
- 中国地区:中国内地方向获得清华、北大录取;香港方向前三顶尖名校共47枚录取,所放榜的香港地区录取率为100%,获港大-加州伯克利双学位录取1枚;
- 美国方向:获美本排名第9的约翰霍普金斯大学录取,获美本排名第15 的加州大学洛杉矶分校录取,获享有「南方哈佛」美名的范德堡大学录取,获与麻省理工、加州理工并称为美国理工学院三巨头的佐治亚理工学院录取等;
- 音乐和视觉艺术方向:获QS表演艺术全球排名第1的英国皇家音乐学院录取;获QS艺术&设计全球排名第二的伦敦艺术大学、“设计界常青藤”帕森斯设计学院录取等。
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A total of 96 ISA prospective graduates from the first and second graduating classes have applied to universities in the UK, USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries or regions, receiving a total of 810 offers and approximately $6.64 million in scholarships.

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ISA Liwan Graduates
ISA Liwan Graduates
Offers Secured by lSA Students in 2025
2025届 爱莎准毕业生录取捷报
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全球各大名校面试邀请:牛津大学面邀 1 份;剑桥大学面邀 4 份;UCL巴特莱特建筑学院面邀 1 份。
210 枚录取,包括:
· 美国方向:收获全国早申仅22枚的 范德堡大学(美本排名18)、纽约大学、波士顿大学等录取;
· 英国方向:收获 帝国理工学院 (G5,QS排名第2) 录取 1 枚, 伦敦大学学院 (G5) 录取 5 枚等;
· 中国香港方向:收获 香港大学 录取 5 枚及 香港中文大学 等录取;
· 艺术方向:收获“设计界常青藤”帕森斯设计学院 (QS艺术排名第3)、罗德岛设计学院(QS艺术排名第4)等录取。
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Under ISA's international educational vision, as of December 25, 2024, our students have been securing global university admissions, kicking off the 2025 college application season! So far, we have collected:
Interview invitations
Interview invitations from top universities worldwide:1 invitation from the University of Oxford; 4 invitations from the University of Cambridge; 1 invitation from UCL's Bartlett School of Architecture.
University Admission Triumphs
210 offers, including:
· USA Direction: Offers include Vanderbilt University (ranked 18th in the US and one of only 22 in China), New York University, Boston University, and others.
· UK Direction: 1 offer from Imperial College London (G5, QS ranked 2nd in the UK), and 5 offers from University College London (G5), among others.
Hong Kong (China) Direction: 5 offers from the University of Hong Kong and offer from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Arts Direction: Offer from "Ivy League of Design" Parsons School of Design (QS Art ranked 3rd) and Rhode Island School of Design (QS Art ranked 4th)
The Unique Education Model
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Holistic Education
ISA is dedicated to creating a diverse and inclusive international educational ecosystem. With a holistic approach that prioritizes students' cognitive and character development, We strive to cultivate individuals who will shape the future with innovation as their fundament.
Two Pathways to University


Three exceptional teams of teachers
The school has always been adhering to ISA's strict selection policy for teachers in China. Through systematic processes such as background screening, multiple interviews, trial lectures, evaluation and teamwork, the school has built an excellent team of teachers with Chinese and Western integration and both moral integrity and ability.
Our school boasts its highly diverse faculty and staff, comprising professionals from different countries and a talented group of bilingual individuals who have returned after studying abroad. The team also includes renowned local teachers from Guangzhou Foreign Language School and distinguished educators from Hubei and various regions of the country. Our experienced teaching team has successfully guided students to pursue further studies at top-tier universities worldwide, including Tsinghua University, Peking University, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, and Ivy League schools.
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There are a number of distinguishing features of the ISA Liwan International Primary Programme. These include a focus on the development of bilingualism and biculturalism, developing higher thinking skills, and a focus on social and emotional development through holistic education. The ISA Liwan International Pathway curriculum draws knowledge and fundamental skills from the UK and Singapore national curricula and integrates core elements from the Chinese National curriculum. In taking from both national and international curriculum in the primary international pathway, the children will meet the native language levels in both areas. They will also be immersed in Eastern and Western cultural elements.

International Primary School

Mainstream Curriculum - IBPYP
主流课程 - 国际文凭小学项目




IB PYP是一个教学体系框架,包括 “六大超学科主题”和“六组学科”;以具有全球重要性的6个超学科主题为主导,运用在6个学科领域中习得的知识和技能以及超学科技能开展探究,重点强调学科交叉和主题渗透。
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All international and national standards and content are fully embedded into the curriculum using the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Curriculum Framework. Real-life problems are explored, and learning approaches are explicitly taught to develop life-long learning skills. These include synergist thinking, critical thinking and creative thinking.
Starting early in primary school, student skill development is mapped across the curriculum to ensure that they are learning these important holistic skills from a very early age. These include social skills, research skills, self-management skills and communication skills, which are all embedded into the curriculum an into the pastoral care programme.

The focus of the curriculum structure is to ensure that students receive excellent foundational content, knowledge, and skills in the core learning areas of English, Mathematics, Chinese, Sciences, and Humanities. The curriculum also has significant breadth to ensure that students are exposed to specialist subjects, including multiple art forms, physical education, and STEM.

Inquiry-based and conceptual driven programme
Curriculum Content

IB PYP is a teaching and learning framework, consisting of “Six Transdisciplinary Themes” and integrating “Six Subject Groups”; allowing students to carry out research through the use of knowledge and skills acquired across the six subject areas, and revolving around the six transdisciplinary themes of global importance, thus emphasizing the integration of disciplines and thematic learning.
We promote learner agency and provide opportunities for students to question, explore, collaborate, construct their own understandings, and finally make connections and transfer learning to new contexts.
ISA Liwan Students' PYP Exhibition

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Elite Faculty Team

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ISA Liwan strictly selects first-class teachers from all over the world. Through systematic processes such as background screening, multiple interviews, trial lectures, evaluation and teamwork, the school has built an excellent team of teachers with Chinese and Western integration and both moral integrity and ability.
Each class in the international primary school:
Equipped with a secondary school and a foreign two class teachers, all-weather all-round attention to students' study and life.
Two teachers' cooperative teaching is adopted in the classes of Mathematics and English extra-disciplinary inquiry and swimming courses.
Whole attention to individual differences and different learning needs to better achieve individualized teaching.

Our international teachers are from Britain, the United States, France, Canada, Australia, Singapore and other countries. All international teachers have internationally recognised degree qualifications, professional work experience and an international mindset. The Chinese teachers have rich experience in international education and teaching, and they work together to protect the healthy growth of each student.
The members will integrate advanced concept of international education and their past experience into the ISA Liwan education to cultivate students’ cultural agility as well as to implement the excellent and diversified holistic education.

Patricia Pope
Principal of Primary School
- 拥有桑德兰大学教育硕士学位,巴斯大学领导和管理硕士学位。
- 在新加坡、中国和美国的IB学校拥有超过20年的经验。
- 曾受聘于新加坡加拿大国际学校担任国际双语课程的小学部副校长。
- 作为一名经验丰富的IBEN成员,已担任IB工作坊负责人、学校顾问和现场考察团队成员超过10年。
- 作为学校领导,她曾与来自不同文化背景的人一起工作,并且在跨文化背景下具有丰富的领导经验。
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- Patricia holds an MA in Education from the University of Sunderland; an MA in leadership and management from the University of Bath.
- Patricia has had over 20 years’ experience in IB schools in Singapore, China and the United States.
- Prior to ISA Liwan, Patricia was employed by the Canadian International School of Singapore as the Vice Principal of Primary for international bilingual programs.
- As an experienced IBEN educator, Patricia has been an IB Workshop Leader, Schools Consultant and Site Visit Team Member for over 10 years.
- As a school leader, she has worked with people from diverse cultural backgrounds and has extensive experience in leading in a cross-cultural context.

Jeremiah Chua
Deputy Principal of Primary School & PYP Coordinator
- 拥有17年教学和学校管理经验,获南洋理工大学教育学学士学位、悉尼大学跨文化交际硕士学位和哈佛大学教育研究生院学校管理和领导力证书。
- 来自新加坡的他从小沉浸在多语言的学习环境中,生活在一个多元文化的社会塑造了他作为一名教师和学校领导的全球视野。
- IB培训官和PYP项目负责人。
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- Jeremiah has 17 years of teaching and school leadership experience and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education from Nanyang Technological University, a Master’s degree in Cross-cultural Communication from University of Sydney and a Certificate in School Management and Leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education.
- He was immersed in a multilingual learning environment from an early age in Singapore, and living in a multicultural society shaped his global outlook as a teacher and school leader.
- As an educator, he is committed to igniting that curiosity within our students so that they become inquirers and independent learners. As a school leader, he is committed to working with our faculty to ensure that the learning environment is safe, nurturing and progressive for all students. As an IB Workshop Leader and PYP Programme Leader, he is fully committed to the IB mission in developing compassionate lifelong learners who can make this world a better place.

Michelle Xie 谢芬
Deputy Principal of Primary School
- 从事教育工作二十多年,在IB等主流国际课程领域有丰富的教育教学管理经验。
- 曾任国内某知名IB学校小学教学副校长、PYP项目协调员,任职期间她带领团队取得中国大陆最早一批的PYP项目授权,成功地探索出了一条国家课程与国际课程的融合之路。
- 国际文凭组织亚太地区的培训官、学校访问官和项目咨询官。
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- She has been engaged in education for more than 20 years and has rich experience in teaching and management in mainstream international programme such as IBPYP.
- She served as vice Principal of Primary School and PYP Coordinator in GCGS. During her tenure, she led the team to obtain the first PYP authorization in Mainland of China and successfully explored a way to integrate national curriculum with international curriculum.
- She is also an IBAP PYP workshop leader, school visiting team leader and school consultant.
Diversified Co-curricular Activities
多元辅助/ 拓展课程
Supplementary courses are available, including sports, art, humanities, and science.
提供包括体育、艺术、人文、科技等辅助/ 拓展课程

Sample of Co-curricular Activities 辅助/拓展课程示例
Dual Languages & Various Languages Offered
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At ISA Liwan, Chinese and English language and culture are not only courses for students to study in depth, but also a tool for them to learn other courses. It is a cruise ship for students to soar in the world of knowledge and broaden their horizons.
The immersive English language environment can comprehensively improve students’ English application and thinking skills.
In terms of language learning, the school will provide individualized instruction according to the level of the students.
According to the needs of different age levels, we provide Chinese and English dual-native language teaching for all students in the IB Programme to help students become “Chinese-English bilingual talents” who will enter the world stage with a confident and firm attitude.

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【美国麻省理工Fab Lab 标准制造工坊】
FABLAB(制造实验室)是一种新型数字制造实验室,为学生提供了全面的数字设计和制造体验。FABLAB 由Grassroots Invention Group 和麻省理工学院媒体实验室的Bits and Atoms 中心合作发起。
在FABLAB 中,学生可以使用各种数字设备进行数字设计和制造,例如3D 打印机和激光切割机。通过实际操作,这些设备不仅可以帮助学生实现创意,还可以提高他们的数字设计和制造技能,将他们的想法变成现实,掌握数字设计和制造技术,从而培养学生的实践和创新能力。
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ISA Liwan attaches great importance to technology and innovation. The Innovation Hub cultivate students' scientific thinking, innovative consciousness and practical ability; stimulate students' interest and lead the comprehensive development of other subjects. Therefore, we have established good relationships with various universities and colleges. We hired Drs., experts and professors as tutors in the Innovation Center to provide guidance and assistance to students.
【Seven major courses and projects】

Future Cities

Intelligent Manufacturing

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Engineering

Smart Agriculture

Digitalization and 3D Modeling

Environmental Engineering

Life Sciences
【MIT Fab Lab Standard Manufacturing Workshop】
FABLAB (Fabrication Lab) is a new type of digital fabrication laboratory that provides students with a comprehensive digital design and fabrication experience. FABLAB is established by the Grassroots Invention Group in partnership with the Bits and Atoms Center of MIT Media Lab.
In FABLAB, students can engage in digital design and fabrication using a variety of digital equipment, such as 3D printers and laser cutters. Through actual operation, these devices can not only help students realize their creative ideas, but also improve their digital design and manufacturing skills, turn their ideas into reality, and master digital design and manufacturing technology, thereby cultivating students' practical and innovative abilities.

Courses on Lingnan Culture
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Lingnan culture has a long history. Lingnan culture is an advanced culture in modern China, which has a great influence on modern China. Lingnan culture, with its unique characteristics of pluralism, pragmatism, openness, compatibility and innovation, adopts the essence of the Central China and absorbs the new wind of the four seas. It has developed a school of its own in the forest of Chinese culture and has played a positive role in promoting the economic and social development of Lingnan region and even the whole country. This is the deposit of Lingnan culture, but also the background of Guangdong education.
While providing extraordinary international education, ISA Liwan integrates Liwan related calligraphy, painting and other literary elements into the development of co-curriculum in the manner of immersion education, offering Cantonese opera, Cantonese sculpture and Cantonese embroidery.

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▲ 每班约25人,班级规模小
▲ 学生获得更高的关注度和更多的体验和展示机会
▲ 精准教学、精准辅导,提升课堂效率
▲ 提供一对一的全方位人文心智关怀和帮助,包括学业、心理、生活、社交、升学等方面
▲ 帮助学生制定合理的成长方案,立足个人实际、着眼未来发展
▲ 激发学生内心的自觉,促进学生自我教育,自我发展
▲ 建立学生成长记录档案和综合素质评价体系
▲ 让学生在选择中成长,在评价中发展

▲ 学校拥有来自20个国家的学生及老师,实现多元文化融合的校园环境
▲ 学校提供相应的母语和第二外语教学,让学生能够更好地掌握语言技能
▲ 学校除了中国国家课程外,也提供国际课程,如IB、AL等,为学生提供国际化的教育元素
▲ 学校的国际化办学特色能够帮助学生更好地融入全球化时代,增强学生的国际竞争
▲ 爱莎以世界为教材,以问题为导入,以概念为驱动,以探究为主要的学习方式。
▲ 提供超越课堂的实践和体验,在多元文化融合的校园内进行探究性活动,在校外博物馆、美术馆、创业园等场地的实地探究。
▲ 在探究过程中学习和提升研究、沟通、思考、社交和自我管理技能,激发孩子的无限潜能。
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Small Class Size
▲Small class size (around 25 students per class)
▲Increased attention and opportunities for students
▲Precise teaching and tutoring to enhance classroom efficiency
Mentor Programme
▲ An academic mentor and a life mentor for each student
▲Each student has an exclusive tutor to provide one-to-one comprehensive humanistic and spiritual care in terms of academics, psychology, life, social interaction, and further education.
▲ Tailored growth plans based on student’s personal circumstances and future development
▲ Cultivate student’s self-awareness and foster their self-education and personal growth
▲ Create personal development portfolios and a comprehensive quality assessment system
▲ Flourish through choices and thrive through evaluations

Differentiate Teaching
▲ Respects and values every student’s uniqueness and personalities
▲ We don’t use one standard to measure every student
▲ Teaching in small groups in daily classroom, reading, and inquiry activities
▲ A multicultural campus that brings together students and teachers from over 20 countries.
▲ Courses in both the native language and a second foreign language are available, enabling students to develop strong language skills.
▲ Integrated Curriculum: Besides CNC, International programmes like IB and AL are also available.
▲International education: Better prepared students in the era of globalisation.
Experiential Learning
▲It takes the world as the textbook, questions as the introduction, concepts as the driving force, and inquiry as the main teaching and learning approach.
▲Provide practice and experience beyond the classroom, carry out inquiry activities in multi-cultural campus with a sense of science and technology, and conduct field research in museums, art galleries, entrepreneurship parks and other places outside the campus.
▲ Learn and improve research, communication, thinking, social and self-management skills in the process of inquiry, practice and stimulate children’s unlimited potential.

Excellent Environment & Facilities
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ISA Liwan follows the pattern of Topdown, designs the campus according to the curriculum system, IB’s concept of holistic education and “learner-centred”, and highly combines science and technology with humanities. Our school is embedded with the essence of Lingnan culture and adheres to the architectural philosophy and aesthetic standards of ISAIEG’s schools. The Lingnan buildings and pavilions are mixed with beautiful water scenery and fragrant flowers.

ISA Liwan is committed to providing a green, safe and environmentally friendly campus that provides a stimulating learning environment for all teachers and students. The buildings are all certified for construction by the world’s most stringent American WELL standards. The design and facility standards of the school have reached world-class levels:
Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories of international standards.
800-seat auditorium
Olympic Track and Full-size Football Pitch
Learner pool and the aquatics centre
STEAM Centre and Arts Centre
Two libraries that can contain more than 50,000 books
Black Box Theatre for British Drama training and performance
Multiple competition-level sport courts: basketball courts, tennis courts, volleyball courts, rock-climbing wall, fencing hall, etc.

800-seat Auditorium


Chinese Culture Room

Transportation Hub

Sports Hall


Black Box

Aquatics Centre

Innovation Centre

Rock-climbing Wall
International Boarding Community
ISA Liwan provides immerse international boarding community to Primary Students. Boarding is regarded as an essential Programme including the aspects of evening tutoring, leadership course, principals’ dinner gala, additional activities including Sport, Art, Academic, Science, etc.

ISA Liwan provides arts activities, sports programmes and community activities including but are not limited to:
• HoS Night 校长晚宴
• Appreciation Dinner 感恩晚宴
• Group Birthday Party 集体生日会
• Movie Night 电影之夜
• Student Voice Meeting 学生之声
• Leadership Programmes 领导力课程
• Weekend City Tour:Explore the Lingnan culture, visit the Chen Ancestral Temple and the Guangzhou Tower etc.
Diverse Activities
Pi Day, Sports Festival, ISA Talk, Book Week, STEAM Festival, ISA Festival, New Year Celebration, Musical Show……
These activities are excellent opportunities for students to develop their social and communication skills while becoming further immersed in local and other cultures.

Musical Show

Charity Event

ISA Talk

STEAM Festival