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AXIS Live Concert I “杨依诺与朋友们”音乐会

发布者:AXIS 厦门长菁外籍人员子女学校 2023-05-15 09:34:39

The Jing & Friends Concert held at AXIS on 8th May was a remarkable live performance that showcased the diversity and versatility of music. Led by the world-renowned violist Jing and her talented friends, the concert offered an eclectic mix of pieces ranging from classical to contemporary music, all performed with the utmost skill and artistry. 

5 月 8 日在 厦门长菁(AXIS) 举行的 Jing & Friends 音乐会是一场非凡的现场演出,展示了音乐的多姿多彩。在著名的五弦中提琴家杨依诺女士(Jing)的带领下,她和她才华横溢的朋友们,为这场音乐会献上了古典和多种跨界音乐,每个节目都充满了超高的技巧和艺术性。 

It was truly an unforgettable experience for the Achieve Xiamen International School community. The musicians and dancers captivated the audience with their exceptional talent and passion for their craft. They not only provided entertainment but also inspiration for the students, showing them the importance of hard work and dedication to achieve their dreams. 


Music plays an important role in international education, as it allows learners to express themselves and appreciate different cultures and traditions through the universal language of music. As Jing pointed out, a short performance on stage takes years of practice and hard work behind the scenes. This emphasizes the importance of talent, passion, and perseverance in achieving success, not only in music but in any endeavor. 


On behalf of the AXIS community, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Jing and her friends for creating such a special memory for us. We would also like to thank the parents for their support and attendance at the concert.  Special thanks also go to Williamsonbo for sponsoring the grand piano for the performance. 


This concert truly demonstrated the power of music to bring people together and create unforgettable memories. 


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