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哈罗公学校长来信 | 始终寻求成长,成为最好的自己

发布者:HarrowHaikou哈罗海口 2024-08-06 08:20:29


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Year-End Message for Harrow Family of Schools











Year-End Message for Harrow Family of Schools

It remains an immense privilege and a point of pride to be part of the Harrow Family of Schools. Across our outstanding global community, so much is achieved. Among the many varied endeavours of our pupils, we see academic excellence fuelled by high-level thinking and self-motivation, and encouraged by impressive beaks (teachers); experience masterful artistic performances, demonstrating intelligence, skill and months of dedicated practice and teaching; and witness brilliant sports results and high levels of involvement, all born from long-term commitment and inspired coaching.

Our diverse Harrovian life involves both collaboration and competition, fun and seriousness, failure and success. Each side of the coin has equal significance. Exceptionality is not an everyday thing. Every headline, every accolade - each is crafted from the ground up, underpinned by the Harrow Values of courage, honour, humility and fellowship.

As we tip into the second quarter of the 21st century, the entire Harrow Family is considering carefully how to conserve such high levels of achievement while also promoting pupil wellbeing and the full participation of every child.

At Harrow School in the UK, we are relishing the increasing opportunities to collaborate ever more meaningfully with the wider Harrow Family – through, for example, support for the recruitment, induction and development of staff, as well as pan-Family pupil projects and other engagements. There are huge educational and professional benefits for all involved.

Wherever we sit in the Harrow Family, we each strive to inculcate qualities that will allow our pupils to thrive, equipping them to work and enjoy challenges alongside others, whoever they may be, prepared by an unparalleled holistic education that nourishes mind, body and soul.

The end of an academic year gives us a chance to come together and celebrate our achievements, to look ahead and to express our gratitude. We are thankful to every member of our community for their support, thankful for Harrow and its values, and thankful for the times we have together, always seeking to grow and to become the best we can.

Stet fortuna domus.

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