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哈罗人的大聚会 | 首届 “AISL哈罗杯”青少年高尔夫校际联赛圆满落幕

发布者:HarrowHaikou哈罗海口 2023-05-10 09:27:08

哈罗学校重视对学生在高尔夫球运动项目上的培养。1978年,由Donald Steel创立了哈罗学校高尔夫俱乐部。现在,全球每一个哈罗学校都拥有许多优秀的青少年高尔夫球手。剑桥大学Stymies高尔夫球队首位华人队长便是来自于哈罗北京。

"AISL Harrow Schools" Cup 

Youth Golf League 2023

“AISL 哈罗杯”青少年






Harrow School attaches great importance to the development of students' golf program.In 1978, Donald Steel founded Harrow School in the UK Golf Club.Now, every AISL Harrow school in the world has many excellent junior golfers.The first Chinese captain of Cambridge University's Stymies golf team is from Harrow Beijing.

"AISL Harrow Schools" Cup

 Youth Golf League 2023

Sports are the bond among members of Harrow School, and a little golf brings everyone together.

The first "AISL Harrow Schools Cup" Golf Youth League, hosted by AISL Harrow Schools and undertook by AISL Harrow Nanning, ended successfully during the "May Day"holiday.Principals,student representatives as well as dozens of junior golfers from AISL Harrow Beijing, AISL Harrow Shanghai, AISL Harrow Shenzhen, AISL Harrow Haikou, AISL Harrow Chongqing and AISL Harrow Nanning, finally bid farewell to the "cloud meeting". They swung confidently in the beautiful Jiahecheng Golf Course and enjoyed the fun of competition.

This is the first time since 2020 that AISL Harrow sister schools have come together.

In this competition, the young players gained not only the competition experience, but also the friendship born in the exchange of football skills with their peers, and the growth in the colorful exchange activities, creating a unique "learning circle of friends" for Harrovian.










Youth Golf  League

The third stop, the golf league officially started! At 8 o'clock in the morning, all the elite players gathered at the golf course located among the green mountains and rivers to compete intensely!They adjusted their grip, focused on the target!On the field, every young player was like a small professional athlete. They were not afraid of failure, full of confidence and freedom.

Contestants from Harrow School's 6 campuses showcased their exciting performance

On the court, everyone worked hard for the championship. In addition to the competition among IOH, the dearest "FOH" - the parents who accompanied their children to Nanning, were also eager to try and compete with each other.They competed together. Off the pitch, whether it is IOH or FOH, "competitors" have long become "good partners". Through the 3-day programme, the young players and parents have become good friends, and they have agreed to participate in the golf tournament together next time!

"Friends of Harrow" showed their skills and competed together

In the end, after 6 hours of fierce competition, Harrow Haikou won the 4th place in the conpetetion.

Congratulations to ALL Harrovians

>>Click to View the Award List<<









在广阔的舞台上展现自我 联结友谊



The children received a full of medals and certificates,as well as friendships among Harrow alumni.They are young and brave, born facing the sun.The Four Core Values of "courage", "honour", "humility" and "fellowship" inherited by Harrow School for 450 years are vividly reflected in the beautiful green grass and hills.

In the future, AISL Harrow studentswill get togather to express themselves on a broad stage and connect with friendship.Through various high-quality activities and competitions, will enable children to achieve multi-dimensional expansion of their studies and future lives.



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