报名咨询热线 400-822-1988
国际学校大全 > 苏州美高学校 > 新闻动态 > 羽动激情 赛传友谊 | 苏州市相城区陆慕实验小学&苏州美高学校羽毛球友谊赛

羽动激情 赛传友谊 | 苏州市相城区陆慕实验小学&苏州美高学校羽毛球友谊赛

发布者:LWS苏州美高 2024-04-25 08:24:18

In this season of spring bloom, an exciting badminton friendship match unfolded passionately between LWS and Lumu Experimental Primary School in Xiangcheng District, Suzhou. This was not just a competition of athletic skills, but also a collision and exchange of youthful energy among students from the two schools.

On the court, the players displayed agile moves as the badminton traced graceful arcs in the air. Every smash and every save were a testament to their hard work and wisdom. The audience was filled with excitement, cheering and applauding for the players' outstanding performances.


This friendship match not only improved the physical fitness of the students, but also cultivated their team spirit, competitive spirit, and sense of competition. It also strengthened the friendship and understanding between the two schools. During the competition, everyone learned from each other and jointly improved their badminton skills. At the same time, it also showcased the spirit of unity, cooperation, and positivity among the students of both schools.


Finally, let's look forward to the next badminton friendship match, believing that there will be even more exciting moments waiting for us to witness! Let's cheer for badminton, and applaud for friendship and progress together!

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