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SHBS 2024 毕业典礼|任过往·锦华章 Unfolding Past, Unlimited Future

发布者:上海宏润博源 2024-06-11 08:16:54



2024年6月7日,SHBS 2024届毕业典礼庄重举行。师生们和家长们齐聚一堂,共同见证这场充满青春与梦想的盛会。

On June 7, 2024, the SHBS 2024 Graduation Ceremony was solemnly held. Teachers, students, and parents gathered together to witness this event filled with youth and dreams.


In the early morning at 8 o'clock, the campus was filled with a warm and joyful atmosphere. Graduates and their families gathered at the Art Plaza, leaving behind precious memories of this special moment with brilliant smiles.



At 9 o'clock in the morning, the graduation ceremony began. The auditorium was packed, with teachers dressed in formal attire, entering the venue with solemn steps. Following them, the graduates, with joy and pride on their faces, accepted the flower wreaths presented by their junior schoolmates, symbolizing blessings and respect. They walked steadily into the auditorium. These heartwarming and touching scenes elicited enthusiastic cheers and applause from the teachers and students present, witnessing this unforgettable moment together.

音乐双优的同学为师生献上了一系列精彩节目:从合唱See You Again的温馨开场,到乐队演出的Don't Start NowShe Plays Bass的活力四射;从弦乐队的LibertangoViva La Vida的优雅旋律,到Never Say Goodbye的深情合唱,每一首乐曲都承载着我们对青春的热爱和对未来的憧憬。

Musically talented students presented a series of wonderful performances: starting with the warm opening chorus of "See You Again," followed by the energetic "Don't Start Now" and "She Plays Bass" by the band. The elegant melodies of the string ensemble's "Libertango" and "Viva La Vida," and the heartfelt chorus of "Never Say Goodbye," each song carried our love for youth and our hopes for the future.


After the warm-up performances, a video review of the graduates' growth was played on the big screen. Frame by frame, unforgettable moments flashed by, evoking beautiful memories of each graduate's growth process.

典礼由外方校长Chris Moses先生和陈皓一老师主持。Chris校长首先致开幕词。他用真挚的话语分享了自己的成长经历,并将这些经历中得到的智慧赠予毕业生,与他们共同展望美好的未来。

The ceremony was hosted by Principal Chris Moses and Ms. Chloe Chen. Principal Chris began with the opening speech. He sincerely shared his own growth experiences with genuine words, and gifted the wisdom gained from these experiences to the graduates, looking forward to a bright future together with them.


Chairman Zheng Hongfang of Hongrun Construction Group delivered a speech, advising the graduates to integrate knowledge and action, immerse themselves in society, enterprises, and people, and perfect themselves through practice.


Parent representative Ms. Jianjun Shi took the stage to speak, sharing the bits and pieces of her child's growth at school, expressing deep trust and support for the school, and wishing all graduates a bright future.


Alumni association representative Hanxiao Cai delivered a speech, full of pride and expectations for the graduates, and dedicated a poem to them to express his best wishes.


Current student representative Bruce Feng gave a speech, recalling the time spent with the seniors, expressing heartfelt blessings and reluctance towards them.


During the Honor Graduate Awards segment, Principal Bowen Chen and Vice President Zheng Enhai of Hongrun Construction Group personally awarded a certificate of honor and a 50,000 RMB scholarship to the 2024 Honor Graduate Samuel Wang, recognizing his outstanding academic achievements and outstanding contributions to the community.


Graduate representative Samuel Wang took the stage to speak, emotionally reviewing his growth experiences at school. He quoted a classic phrase from the Memorial to Express Gratitude, expressing infinite nostalgia for his alma mater and endless longing for the future.


Next was the touching gift presentation segment. Graduates presented carefully prepared gifts to their alma mater, accepted on behalf of the school by Principal Liu and the graduating class's homeroom teachers. This gesture represented not only the graduates' gratitude to the school but also their commitment and expectations for the future.


The exciting diploma awarding segment followed. Principal Chris personally awarded each graduate their diploma, and Principal Chen turned the tassels of the graduates, and took photos with them as a keepsake. This solemn and sacred moment marked the completion of the high school education for the students, and they are about to embark on a new journey of life.

陈校长深情地向毕业生们发表了致辞。他提到了学生们在逆境中取得的成就:"我们这一届的学生确实经历了很多低开高走,但是他们都实现了自我的突破。" 陈校长强调了学校自建校以来,尽管外部环境充满挑战,但始终坚持提供最优质的教育,致力于培养能够照亮世界的人才。他展望了学校的多元化发展,表达了对校友及在校生的骄傲之情,并亲切地建议同学们在枇杷成熟的季节回来探望母校。最后,陈校长以庄重而充满激情的语调宣布:“2024届毕业生们正式毕业了!”

Principal Chen delivered a poignant and heartfelt speech to the graduates. He highlighted the achievements of the students in overcoming adversity, stating, "Our cohort indeed went through many ups and downs, but they all managed to break through and achieve personal growth." Principal Chen emphasized that since the school's establishment, despite a challenging external environment, the institution has consistently provided the highest quality education, dedicated to nurturing talents who can illuminate the world. He envisioned a future of diversity for the school, expressed pride in the alumni and current students, and warmly suggested that the students visit their alma mater when the loquats are in season. Finally, in a solemn and passionate tone, Principal Chen announced, "The graduates of 2024 have officially graduated!"


“Today, we stand here not to sing sorrowful farewell songs, nor to write melancholic farewells. We only reminisce about the unforgettable past by the shore of Lake Dadian, and talk about the magnificent chapters of our dreams across the horizon.” As the graduation poem "Unfolding Past, Unlimited Future" was recited and the wreath ceremony took place, the atmosphere of the entire ceremony reached its climax. Parents, moved by their children's growth, had tears of pride in their eyes. They went up on stage to receive the wreaths from their children, jointly witnessing this precious moment.


“When we go on, we remember all the times we spent together.” As the graduation song rang out, all the graduates used their voices to express their attachment to their alma mater and their hopes for the future. In the vibrant and loving campus of Hongrun Boyuan, another group of young students completed a magnificent transformation. They are about to embark on their journey with the blessings and expectations of their alma mater, bravely chasing their dreams. On the path ahead, they will undoubtedly shine even more brilliantly.

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