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国际学校大全 > 上海宏润博源学校 > 新闻动态 > SHBS活动|科学与艺术展:科学探秘与艺术之韵


发布者:上海宏润博源 2024-06-17 09:00:58


On May 24, 2024, the SHBS Science and Art Fair was successfully held in the Science Building and Science Plaza. This fair brought together over 160 artworks and projects, which were collectively created by teachers and students of the school over a period of more than two months.


The science fair includes a wealth of academic experiment results, such as the plasma ring, DNA extraction, and ultrasonic levitation. Additionally, there are highly entertaining exhibits like a homemade trebuchet, which allows the audience to understand the principles of mechanics in physics, and a water rocket model that leads the audience to explore the mysteries of aerodynamics. "Pre-Calculus vs. Matchstick Men" showcased the charm of calculus through the image of matchstick men. There were also projects on silkworm breeding, the beauty of fractals, research on the pendulum snake, and Python program simulations. It can be said that this was the largest and most academically significant science event in the history of the school.


有些展位上的的展品展现了科技与艺术的完美融合,如手工搭建建筑模型、制作标本鱼、制作细胞模型、SUNO AI音乐创作、基于AIGC的2D到3D模型设计和打印。

Some exhibition booths showcased the perfect integration of technology and art, such as handmade architectural models, specimen fish making, cell model creation, SUNO AI music composition, 2D to 3D model design and printing based on AIGC.


During the science fair, there were also some special displays, such as the application research of the efficient genome editing tool "Gene Magic Scissors" based on the CRISPR/Cas9 system, DNA extraction from oral cells using adsorption columns, PCR amplification, and agarose gel electrophoresis. These displays allowed the audience to learn about the latest technological achievements and research advances.



When visiting the fair, attendees can participate in a variety of engaging interactive activities, such as buying ice cream with fluctuating world gold prices, crystal growing, exploring the interdiv of architecture and mathematics with the Taj Mahal, and learning about game theory in mathematics. These activities offer a hands-on experience, bringing the joy of science closer to everyone.



In this science fair, SHBS took into consideration the increasing number of outstanding students joining the school and aimed to showcase more substantial content. In previous years, the science fairs mainly consisted of posters and presentations, but this time, they attempted to present real research, engineering, and scientific projects. All the teachers in the science department put in a lot of effort and provided hands-on guidance to the students in completing their projects. One outstanding project, ultrasonic levitation, was a replication based on a paper published in the journal Nature in 2017. These projects reached the level of undergraduate studies, which posed a great challenge for the students. During the preparation process, students utilized their self-study classes and after-school study time to conduct experiments, demonstrating a high level of autonomy. All the projects went through failures, but the students, driven by enthusiasm and internal motivation, independently completed the experiments.


Although the preparation and exhibition were very successful, there were also some shortcomings and prospects for improvement. For example, some students underestimated the complexity and difficulty of their projects and couldn't complete them in time. Some projects also didn't succeed in the end. However, the experience of scientific research and exploration is more important than the results themselves. Failure is also a part of the outcome. Behind every success are dozens or even hundreds of attempts. The experience gained from this process is more valuable to the students than the results themselves.

艺术展也展出了精彩的项目,艺术展部分展出了由fine art和material art制作的综合媒体艺术,掐丝珐琅彩砂和高温铜胎珐琅作品,还有艺术双优的同学们制作的马赛克拼贴、戳戳针毛线画以及陶艺作品。同学们和老师们还现场尝试创作了属于自己的蓝晒工艺书签,体验了艺术创作的乐趣。

The art exhibition also showcased fantastic projects. The art div exhibited multimedia art created by fine art and material art, such as cloisonné enamel sand painting and high-temperature copper enamel works. There were also mosaic collages, pin and thread drawings, and pottery works created by the top art students. Students and teachers also tried their hand at creating their own blueprint crafts bookmarks, experiencing the joy of artistic creation.


Finally, the responsible students for some projects will undergo academic defense in one week, which will be an opportunity for them to showcase their research findings and share their experiences. Through this science fair and academic defense, the students will gain further growth and improvement.

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