报名咨询热线 400-822-1988

Primary News Issue 29

发布者:SIS深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校 2024-03-22 09:31:11

Dear SIS Families,

Last week, we had a successful Book Week in the primary, appropriately themed, SIS READS! Students took part in many activities planned by the Library team. Many thanks to Ms. Rebecca Battistoni, our librarian, and the library staff, Ms. Claire, Ms. Annabel, Ms. Gigi, and Ms. Yvonne. Special mention to PSA and all the teachers for supporting the events.

Each campus held a scavenger hunt. At The Bay, character cards were hidden across the campus and led to frantic searching for Babymouse, Sunny and Squish.  At Jingshan, students found Matt Holm's characters in the Library and used a checklist to record their finds.  In addition to the scavenger hunts, there were Pi Day activities at The Bay and a Book Walk at Jingshan.  Students and staff on both campuses dressed up for a "Favorite Book Character" Spirit Day on Friday.


上周,在我们的小学部举办了一次非常成功的图书周活动,主题是SIS READS! 学生们积极参与了许多由图书馆团队策划的活动。我要特别感谢我们的图书管理员 Rebecca Battistoni 以及图书馆工作人员 Claire、Annabel、Gigi 和 Yvonne老师。同时也要衷心感谢PSA家委会和所有老师对这次活动给予的支持。

每个校区都举行了寻宝游戏。在太子湾校区,角色卡片被藏在校园里,导致学生们疯狂地寻找小老鼠、阳光和书中人物Squish。在鲸山校区,学生们在图书馆发现了 Matt Holm 的角色,并使用清单记录他们的发现。除了寻宝游戏外,太子湾校区还举行了圆周率日活动,鲸山校区则举办了图书漫步活动。在周五,两个校区的学生和员工都打扮起来参加“最喜欢的书中人物”主题精神日。

The highlight of Book Week was an in-person author visit with author/illustrator Matthew Holm.  Coming to SIS from New York, Matt delighted the students with stories about his life, how he creates his books and original drawings with students from the audience.  Matt graciously signed books for students and took many individual and class photos while visiting.  

图书周的亮点是来自纽约的插画家Matthew Holm的到访。他与观众分享了自己的生活故事和创作书籍的经历,并与学生们一起创作了原创画作,给他们带来了极大乐趣。在访问期间,他还为学生们签名并拍摄了很多个人和班级照片。

An original Bookmark Contest was also held at The Bay during Book Week, with over 200 students participating. The winning bookmarks will be printed and made available to the SIS community. 

Congratulations to the First Place Winners, who won a signed, Matt Holm book:

Ruby Shim, 1B
Woojin Song, 2A
Shasha Lee, 3A
Ola Chai, 4A
Jiaqi Lu, 5CBP

Honorable Mention bookmarks were created by: 

Oliver Jackson, 1B
Scarlett Jekinson, 1E
Angela Shi, 2A
Estelle Xiang, 2B
Joy Woo, 3B
Reeanne Chang, 3FIP
Chloe Son, 3C
Alston Choi, 4A
Minjun Kim, 4A
Maya Ji, 4D
Angie Ng, 5B
Clarissa Quah, 5D


祝贺第一名获奖者,他们获得了, Matt Holm的签名书:

Ruby Shim, 1B
Woojin Song, 2A
Shasha Lee, 3A
Ola Chai, 4A
Jiaqi Lu, 5CBP

Oliver Jackson, 1B
Scarlett Jekinson, 1E
Angela Shi, 2A
Estelle Xiang, 2B
Joy Woo, 3B
Reeanne Chang, 3FIP
Chloe Son, 3C
Alston Choi, 4A
Minjun Kim, 4A
Maya Ji, 4D
Angie Ng, 5B
Clarissa Quah, 5D

G2 Unit of Inquiry and BeeBots


Over the past few weeks, our 2nd grade learners have been fully engaged in our current Unit of Inquiry, "Sharing the Planet". During this unit, our students have been inquiring into the diversity of life in different habitats. Through inquiry-based learning, they have been investigating various habitats and the wide range of living organisms that call them home.

Learning Coding and Robotics with BeeBots: As part of our exploration into technology and its role in our lives, our students have been introduced to BeeBots, a child-friendly coding and robotics tool. They have been using BeeBots to learn the basics of coding, understanding how to give step-by-step instructions and navigate through different challenges. This hands-on experience has been both educational and enjoyable for our young learners. 

In today's digital age, coding and robotics have become essential skills for future success. By introducing coding and robotics at an early age, we are preparing our students for the technology-driven world they will inhabit. Through this experience, our students are not only developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills but also enhancing their creativity and collaboration abilities. The integration of coding and robotics aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Goal 4: Quality Education, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals. By equipping our students with the skills needed to understand and navigate technology, we are empowering them to contribute positively to a sustainable and inclusive future. 

Design Cycle and BeeBot Gameboards: To further enhance their learning, some of our grade 2 students have taken their coding and robotics skills to the next level. They have been practicing the Design Cycle, a problem-solving framework, to design their own BeeBot gameboards. Through this process, they are learning to identify problems, generate ideas, create prototypes, and test and evaluate their designs. This hands-on project allows our students to apply their knowledge and showcase their creativity. 





Sharing the Planet Unit Integration in Kg PSPE 


In the Kindergarten class, the Sharing the Planet unit has been extended to include health and wellness lessons in PSPE. Students are learning about what living things need to survive while focusing on healthy living. To make their learning more meaningful, they participated in preparing banana pancakes and smoothies with blueberries. The activity showcased their teamwork skills and enjoyment of the food they made together.


Supporting Collaboration in Early Years


We're delighted to kick-start the transition process for our PreK1 students as they prepare for the next grade. To create a smooth and enjoyable transition, we've organized collaborative learning experiences with their peers from different classes within our PreK1 community. The students were divided into groups and had the opportunity to visit other Prek 1 classrooms. During these visits, they engaged in meaningful communication, hands-on interactions and explored a wide range of materials and tools in these other learning environments.


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