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From SIS to an Investment Banking Career|从SIS到投资银行职业之路

发布者:SIS深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校 2024-03-25 09:08:00

Los Angeles, October 2022

Please tell us what years you were at SIS, and what and where you studied afterwards. Also, tell us about your current academic and career location and status.  

I was enrolled at SIS from 2017-2019, junior and senior year. When I graduated, I was unsure what to pursue, so I enrolled in a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) as it provided broad exposure to different fields. From there, I applied to EU business schools (Bocconi, ESADE, IE, ESSEC) and chose ESADE as it had a good business school and was in Barcelona. Nowadays, I'm pursuing an MSc in Finance & Economics at HEC Paris and will graduate in June 2024.  

What encouraged you to choose the degree you chose and any specializations?  

My objective in junior year of my undergraduate studies was to break into investment banking in Europe. Hence, the most logical approach was to study a graduate degree relevant to this field (Finance, Economics, Statistics).

How do you envision your future contributions in this area? What impact are you wanting to create in your life and career?

I will start working in investment banking in Paris right after I graduate from an American investment bank in June, so I'm satisfied with my professional success thus far.  

In terms of impact, I want to work in a collaborative environment, especially since this industry is known for having tough working hours, so the need to work with people who are social and communicative was an absolute necessity for me upon choosing which firm to work for.  

Besides that, I want to make a decent living in a major metropolitan area like Paris, Madrid, or London and have a steady family life.  

What exposure or experiences (at SIS) supported you towards this area of study and career?  

In terms of courses, I had Economics and Business HL, which helped spark my interest in finance. Profs at SIS for these classes were great. Shoutout to Mr. Tetreault and Mr. V ( Daiju Vithayathil). 

But besides that, I don't think I was significantly impacted in terms of career projections in high school. It was specifically the environment and the people in my undergrad that affected my decision towards a professional orientation. 

What specific skills or aptitudes did you develop as a result of studying in the IBDP at SIS or through the clubs and sports you joined?

I remember these constant talks from other students about how the IBDP was rigorous and would prepare us for university and that since we had already undergone such a challenging degree, the future would not surprise us in that sense. This was not my experience; university proved to be much more complex, and doing the IB did not give me an edge over other students who had pursued other high school diplomas (French, Abitur, Spanish, A-Levels, AP). 

The unique advantage of doing the IB in a school like SIS in China is my mindset. It's an incredibly international environment with many nationalities, and living in Shenzhen allows high schoolers to experience near complete autonomy regarding socializing, events, and extracurriculars. When I got to university, it was very clear who had done a local high school diploma and who had done the IB. IB students were much more open-minded, social, and talkative as opposed to local students if you did not speak their native languages at least. French would hang out with French, Spanish with Spanish, and so on, except for the IB students, who would be friends with multiple people from various backgrounds. My friend group nowadays is very diverse, making it much more interesting.   

How did these support you in your personal, academic, and professional next steps?  

English: IB and SIS allow students to improve their English level. It is crucial during interviews when native speakers do not expect a French student to speak English without a thick accent. "Finally, someone that can speak English" - final round interview, Morgan Stanley, Paris in February 2024 with an American Director.  

Social skills: It's much easier for me to make small talk or become friends with people from a wide array of backgrounds than non-IB people. It is especially helpful in university, where you meet many people from many nationalities and have multiple groups of friends. You're not "stuck in your bubble".

What advice do you have for younger students that could support them in their academic and future trajectory? This can include skills, outlook and relationships that gave you the support you needed for your personal success. 

I think the most important thing I would have loved to realize back in high school is how your passport, languages and salaries vary between the USA and the EU/UK and what that means for the degree you might pursue a career in the banking and consulting industries. I have done a lot of research on this and found that distinct variables can help students be informed in their choices to optimize the outcome of their educational investment.

See the information Jules prepared in the attached PDF if interested.

We wish Jules the best of success ahead as he completes his MSc and moves into his investment career this summer!   

We are also excited that Jules has taken the time to prepare information that can help others plan their post-secondary years. Jules is scheduled for a virtual workshop with current SIS students on Tuesday, 26 March, after school at 3:45pm. He will be sharing his academic journey and his research on post-secondary planning for optimum career outcomes in the banking and consulting industries, particularly as it relates to passports, languages and salary differences.

Please register for this event through the QR code below. 

Malibu, November 2022

SIS Graduation, May 2019

SIS 11 Metal, 2018

From left: Luca, Emile, Simon, Chris, Jules, Jamie, Ms. Bacigalupo, Erik, Titta  

Swipe Left for Chinese 向左滑动查看中文

Los Angeles, October 2022










在学术层面,我修了经济学和高级商业课程,这些课程激发了我对金融的兴趣。SIS的这些课程的教授都很棒,我尤其感激Tetreault先生和V先生(Daiju Vithayathil)。














Malibu, November 2022

SIS Graduation, May 2019

SIS 11 Metal, 2018

From left: Luca, Emile, Simon, Chris, Jules, Jamie, Ms. Bacigalupo, Erik, Titta  

Swipe for Chinese


Best wishes, 

SIS Alumni Relations

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