报名咨询热线 400-822-1988
国际学校大全 > 增城誉德莱外籍人员子女学校 > 新闻动态 > DSE Examination丨祝誉德莱首届DSE毕业生考试顺利

DSE Examination丨祝誉德莱首届DSE毕业生考试顺利

发布者:UISZ 增城誉德莱 2024-04-18 08:31:27

The examination was not only a test of their knowledge and skills, but also a measure of their confidence and courage.


The students of DSE class met the challenge of this examination with full enthusiasm and firm belief. Supported by the amenities provided by UIS Group, including accommodation, study rooms, and constant teacher guidance throughout, they faced the exam with fortified spirits. They showed perseverance and continuous improvement during the preparation for the exam, striving forward for their dreams.



In the coming days, we believe that the students of DSE class will continue to carry forward the spirit of courage, challenge themselves and pursue excellence. They will move forward with more enthusiasm and stronger faith to create their own splendor.


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